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Replacement Terminal Environmental Assessment

  1. What is the Environmental Assessment Process?

The Environmental Assessment (EA) document that is being prepared for the Trenton-Mercer Airport Terminal project addresses federal and state environmental review requirements. The EA is being prepared in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 5050.4B, “National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Projects", and FAA Order 1050.1F, "Environmental Impacts Policies and Procedures".


The sections of analysis within the EA document include the following:


  • Statement on the Purpose and Need for the project

  • Analysis of reasonable alternatives for the project

  • Description of the affected environment (or existing resources present)

  • Description of the environmental consequences of each reasonable alternative

  • Description of the mitigation measures to be implemented (if applicable)

The Proposed Action is the basis for the purpose and need statement, alternatives analysis, affected environment, environmental consequences, and mitigation. The proposed action consists of the following:


  •  Constructing of a Replacement Terminal with 4 aircraft gates. The existing terminal also hosts 4 gates. The replacement terminal is intended to improve the level of service for passengers by providing a terminal with modern and current amenities that are sized for the function and forecast for the airport.

      Areas of the terminal to be improved include: ticketing; security checkpoints; baggage inspection; passenger hold

      rooms;   concessions; baggage handling and baggage claim; airline operations; airport and county operations; and

      other areas

  • Providing apron (or aircraft parking area) improvements. The current aprons do need meet the current conditions or forecast of the airport. Improvements to the existing aprons are necessary.

  • Reconfiguring vehicle parking and construction of a parking garage is necessary to meet the current demand at the airport and forecast demand. Additional parking lots near the terminal and construction of a parking garage are potential options.

  • Provide improved roadways and intersections for internal circulation on airport property to better serve the terminal and vehicle parking.

  • Relocation of the Airport Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Building and construction of a new ARFF building in a location that meets the emergency response times required for commercial airports as set forth by the FAA.


The existing resources that are being inventoried and analyzed for the anticipated impacts from the proposed action include the following:


  • Air Quality

  • Biological Resources (fish, wildlife, and plants)

  • Climate

  • Coastal Resources

  • Section 4(f) of the USDOT Transportation Act (governs recreation sites, historic sites, and wildlife refuges)

  • Farmlands and Farmland Soil

  • Hazardous or Contaminated Materials, Solid Waste, and Pollution Prevention

  • Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (governs historic and archeological sites)  

  • Surrounding Land Use and Zoning

  • Regulatory Permits required by Other Agencies

  • Natural Resources and Energy Supply

  • Noise and Noise Compatible Land Use

  • Socio-economics

  • Environmental Justice

  • Children’s Health and Safety Risks

  • Light Emissions

  • Visual Resources/Visual Character

  • Freshwater Wetlands

  • Floodplains

  • Surface Waters

  • Groundwater

  • Wild and Scenic Rivers

  • Cumulative Impacts of this project and other projects

  • Construction Impacts



The FAA evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed action as presented in the EA document. The EA is typically used for projects where environmental impacts are anticipated to not be significant or where the impacts can be mitigated to a level less than significant. The EA, once published, will be available for public review and comment. Substantive public comments will be addressed in writing and will be included in the Final EA document. 

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